Let me tell you something about Göteborg in the spring - it's like walking into a brand new city.
The streets are cleaner, the busses seem faster, the sunlight shines triumphantly around the large open plazas and suddenly it's like the population has doubled as you see the Swedes peek out of their lunch buildings to soak up the sun on the dirty stone steps. The tables and chairs outside cafes have abandoned their vacant statuses and there is a spring in the steps of the city goers in the same vein as the extra big smiles from cashiers and tram drivers. The buildings seem lighter and the air smells sweeter. The grass around beautiful walkways through the cities are starting to blossom and the flower boutiques seem to be trying to push out their merchandise, further and further in your way until you can't resist bringing home a few tulips. It's a city transformed.
If I thought Swedes talked about the weather before, I was mistaken at just how pressing of a matter it really is. But after going through a dark winter and fall, a conversation about the sudden light outside is eagerly welcomed. It's not warm outside, in fact it's often windier than I would prefer. It's the sunlight that captures your heart. I've seen the usually cranky old ladies wait for a bus or a tram outside of the little cubicle, their wrinkled faces turned upwards towards the sun as they close their eyes and smile. My bed seems less enticing when I wake up to sunlight streaming in my window and smile again as I wander around the back yard until the last reluctant rays disappear behind the house long after I get home from school. It feels like over night, the sun returned to us and we aren't willing to let it go anytime soon. I saw a picture on the internet the other day basically saying that the Swedes complain about freezing in 15 degree (Celsius) weather in November, but soak up every minute outside in March. I consider myself an optimistic person, more specifically an optimistic dresser. I typically dress for the weather I want, regardless of reality. And thus, my skirts and dresses have made an appearance and I go from complaining about how pasty my legs have become to skipping around the newly blossoming walkways by the canals. I've had my fair share of unfortunate wardrobe decisions, but I have few regrets.
Well, yes perhaps a few. I'm sick now as I write - because of my misjudgment of the temperature or perhaps a relatively sleepless weekend with friends, who knows? The closest I have gotten to the sun is curling up under the window in a warm patch of light on the couch. It's been a dark day indeed. Being sick makes me miss my parents actually (I know, I was surprised as well). It's times like these when I want my mom to tuck me in or feel my dad's scratchy chin as he kisses me cheek upon coming home from work, telling me he's sorry I'm not feeling well. This scratchy chin I actually had the pleasure of meeting a couple weeks ago! Bob did indeed make a quick trip up to visit me as the opportunity arose during a business trip to Brussels. It was fantastic to see him and more than a little weird. Seeing my nerdy, know-it-all and wonderfully familiar father mixing in with my life here was just beyond strange. Perhaps it's because of the way I have embraced life without biological parents and lived a life of my own for the past several months. YFU strongly suggests to limit family visits to after Easter because students can often get homesick and sad as they remember what they left to come here. For me it was easy to see and talk to my dad, but also easy to see him go. As terrible as that sounds, I know I will see him in a few months. In the meanwhile, I intend to take advantage of every last precious minute I have left in Sweden.
My dad was only here for about three days. I showed him my school upon arrival in Gothenburg and a long walk around the city, showing him some of my favorite places. I even took him to The Foxx for lunch :) I loved showing him a bit of my life here. I could tell from his eyes that his analytical mind was trying to get a good idea of the atmosphere and life I lead here. Then I took him home to meet the family. I was a little nervous - I've never taken a boy home to meet my host family! They got along well anyways and they spent some time getting to know each other. We shared lovely meals and a nice Saturday at the fortress Lars had taken me earlier in the year. It was fun to go around with my dad who likes to spew out random facts and such about the stones around him or the purpose of certain rooms and holes. The next day he got to listen to me give the lesson to the girls at church and took a couple minutes to talk in front of the whole congregation. It made quite the buzz around church, a few people went up to him asking him not to take me home with him just yet. I was happy to explain I would be here for a few more months. Another big thanks to Bob for taking home most of my winter clothes! Now perhaps I can dream of fitting all my things in the limited space I have for the trip home. A little weekend visit was the perfect thing for us and I was happy to be able to have seen my dad. Three more months and I'm hugging my mom!
A few things I've done the past month or so: taken lots of walks around town, including photo shoots. I went on a run with Sofia in the wooded area behind her house and we ended up at a gorgeous lake in time to see the sunset. Magical. Oh I rode Sofia's moped with her, it was pretty fun and exhilarating I must say. I've spent a lot of time with my friends, including YFU friends! I took a trip out to Eksjö for a day or so to visit Jana and Magda, two of my close friends who are exchange students from Germany. Of course Dad came to visit and that is about it!
This post is not too specific and lacks a theme of most other posts I've done. I apologize for neglecting my duties on the blog, however. Perhaps I can entice you with some photos? Here is a peek into spring time around the city with some friends:
Don't be fooled by the smiles and skirts, it was actually freezing outside hahaha |
The Lion Steps are a popular destination |
Love birds :) |
This street performer dances his heart out to famous Michael Jackson songs when it is nice weather out. I've almost never seen anyone with a bigger smile :) |
Johanna my darling <3 |
These girls are the world to me <3 |
Photo shoooooot |
Lovers embrace |
Wait double chins aren't cute? |
When we try to be cute and one with nature |
Bobbbbbb |
My favorites :) |
Sofia and I took a run behind her house to a big lake. It was gorgeous! |
Sushi with Sofia, Marcus and Kevin |
Magda <3 |
A stake youth activity Harry Potter themed |
Just a cliche bathroom selfie |
where are my eyes |
I trust the Foxx was just as decadent as the last time??